Reduce travel times and increase production thanks to our EMTS team

  • Customer : HUDBAY MINERALS |
  • Pain point : Reduce time |
  • Market segment : Open-Pit |
  • Solution : EMTS |
  • Location : Peru |

Reduce the mine’s radius of influence

Mina Constancia is a Peruvian copper mine operated by Hudbay Minerals since 2013. The mine experienced a problem when evacuating mining teams during blasting processes as the mine construction advanced, delaying the return to work.


To establish an optimal blasting process radius of influence capable of reducing the travel time of mining teams and ensuring their safety.

Excellent contribution to the operation, helping optimize travel times and distances for mining teams.

Pedro Gandarillas Barriga,
Head of Drilling and Blasting at HUDBAY


An engineering solution customized to our client’s needs

Our EMTS team developed a technology to mathematically model rock projections using parabolic cinematic estimates. The system combines the use of high-speed cameras, specialized software, and GPS as measurement instruments.

Thanks to this technology, we can:

Key features

Reduction of return time and operating costs

Using our estimates, the radius of influence was reduced from 220 m to 190 m. Thanks to this reduction, we were able to optimize the travel times of mining teams from 30 minutes to 25 minutes, resulting in a production increase of 875 tons per shift

Stronger bonds

The work of the technical team demonstrated that we always propose tailor-made solutions to our customers, making excellence our obsession. In addition, thanks to this project we have strengthened our bonds, allowing us to work in a more collaborative way and opening a path to new suggestions to improve the operation.