Production blasting
The production blasting service consists of supplying bulk emulsion and accessories for the caving or stoping production process, along with technical advisory on the loading process and the monitoring of variables associated with blasting.
Associated Services:
- Manufacturing and pumping of bulk emulsion using equipment specially designed for production.
- Raw materials supply logistics using feeder trucks
- DaveyTronic® UG remote electronic initiation.
- Blasting engineering focused on optimizing the production processes.
- Instrumentation and monitoring of the drilling and blasting process.
- Supply of products for secondary reduction blasting.
- Manufacturing and pumping of bulk emulsion using equipment for preconditioning blasting.
Benefits:- 95% efficiency in production blasting.
- 40% savings in time, compared to conventional methods.
- 30% savings in drilled area, compared to conventional methods.
- Transport of non-sensitive raw materials and decrease in the high explosives needed, making for safer operation.
- QA/QC for drilling and vibration monitoring for greater control of dilution and over-excavation.
- Safer and more efficient remote electronic initiation.