Enaex Britanite becomes the market leader in the production of explosives and rock fragmentation services, and is voted a satisfaction leader according to a customer survey.
Enaex Britanite becomes the market leader in the production of explosives and rock fragmentation services, and is voted a satisfaction leader according to a customer survey.
Enaex acquires 100% of Britanite.
The construction of the Imigrantes Highway marked the history of engineering: 20 kilometers long, 4,275 meters of viaducts, and 8,230 meters of tunnels.
Acquisition of DuPont’s Explosives division.
The IBQ-Ireco Joint Venture is created.
Market expansion with a strong presence in the mining, aggregates, and cement segments with an increase in production capacity with guaranteed quality products.
Britanite triples its staff to supply more than 70% of the explosives used in the construction of Itaipu, the second largest hydroelectric power plant in the world.
Britanite establishes itself in Quatro Barras with its own equipment and parts bought from the Dinatron company.
Construtora CR Almeida acquires Britanite, essential for the service and supply of civil explosives for more than 40 construction sites in progress at that time.
Britanite Explosives Factory is born, in Tatuquara, Paraná.