Humanize Mining

Because we know life and living beings are the most precious things, because we know that we have to deal with complex working conditions every day, because we know that our actions can have a positive impact on every detail – from safety to wellbeing to our carbon footprint – we strive daily to promote and take action to forge a more humanized mining future.

Our Vision

Becoming the preferred premium blasting solution partner in all main mining regions.

The preferred, not the biggest. The one you would recommend to a friend.The one you know cares about people. These qualities make us trustworthy, proving that we deliver great added value. We will always strive to be the passionate experts paying attention to every detail, engaged and invested in humanizing mining.

The energy released in a blast is proportional to the strength of the bonds that hold the molecules together.

At Enaex, we believe that this chemical law should also govern relationships between people.

We strive for stronger bonds because we know it is the key to success and the foundation to the trust we need to establish with each and every person in what can be a challenging business.

Stronger bonds, with our clients & partners who rely on us for honesty and partnership, to co-create tailor-made solutions and pave the way towards a more sustainable business.

Stronger bonds with the people in the field: the blasters, the technicians, the engineers, every single person in contact with daily operations, to foster innovation and safety to contribute to humanize mining.

Stronger bonds between us, everyone at Enaex, in the plants and in our offices, to formulate the right mix of skillsets, experiences, and energy, to maximize agility, entrepreneurship and efficiency.

Stronger bonds with local communities and society as a whole, to make sure our impact is – and will always be – a positive one.